Tuesday, 5 August 2014


Who'd have thought it was possible to sit so long doing nothing?
Story of my life and all that...

Last time I spoke about emotional karma, a slight elaboration, or branch as such, would be something called tilting. The first time I came across the term it was being bandied about by people who were looking for excuses as to why they were playing badly at games. More specifically, League of Legends. In simple terms it means that a bad mood will effect actions, making decisions less likely to be effective. For example, I'll use League of Legends as a scapegoat (5v5, 10 player game, team work imperative), if something goes wrong on your part, be it a bad decision, a lack of game knowledge or mechanics or even a system failure, you'll know you've done wrong. However, in a situation as team focused as League, the majority of your fellow players will let you know about your mistake, usually in the most violent or thoughtless way possible. They'll jump on your back and try to wrestle you to the ground, or so it would seem, because in turn they're also putting themselves on the ground, but this is an iteration of emotional karma not emotional karma itself. Because you feel as if you've made a mistake, you want to correct that in the best way possible, show 'em what you're made of champ! Wait though, your team is totally dragging you down and your desire for redemption is now making your decision making very poor, all you want to do is react to being put down but you're running head first into the same situations again without thinking.


This principle can also be stapled onto every day life, specifically in an environment where I work, where those "team mates" have suddenly turned into customers. Several people completely ignoring everything you say, only for your mood to then drop to the depths of... something really deep. Suddenly look, you're really annoyed and you're treating customers differently to the start of the day.


How is it possible to stop this from happening? Well in the game sense it's easy. Stop playing.
In real life sense it's generally way more difficult, you can't just stop playing. The sense of achievement from beating a game knowing you've overcame every odd to then come out on the other side victorious is immense. So the way I like to think of it is, I'm playing space invaders, every customer I get I shoot down whether they be good or bad, sometimes I get power-ups from those kind enough to take the time to listen. Every once in a while a boss comes along and I conquer them will all my willpower and at the end of the day I'm left feeling unreal.


Look out for my smile on those cold rainy days,
I'll get you through, make it okay,
Bring out the sun, make it shine bright,
Hold back the moon, hold back the night,
Every minute with you is like a holiday,
My mind's own vacation thoughts of that sunny day,
My only hope is it's the same for you,
Giving you peace of mine calm and true,
If being together quells any fears,
What reason is there it can't last always?

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