Monday, 10 November 2014


Over the past month or so I've concocted a blog post or two in my trusty notebook, but not got round to actually posting them at any point. Before I get round to one I wrote quite some time ago, I'd like to touch on something unrelated to the post itself. Whilst browsing social media last week, I came across a post that a friend had commented on regarding someones survey to help with their university dissertation. Usually I would just ignore such posts, however, on this particular occasion, the title rather caught my eye. "The role of masculinity in men seeking help for a mental illness". In relation to my own situation, it's clear the more unmasculine a man the more likely they are to seek help for such issues. Me personally being petrified of confrontation showing simply, considering I've met some and a half brash, outspoken arseholes in my short time, who are quite clearly hell-bent on remaining housebound, anxious and depressed yet so stubborn and blinded by their own pig ignorance it will just stick like a huge cloud constantly raining, dampening their already drowning spirit.

Oh those lovely mental images.

That took up more paper than intended.
Until next time.

Two stones, one bird,
Second chances never heard,
Forgiveness comes, regret goes,
Guiltiness never shows,
Pack it up, get out of here,
You're a memory not a fear,
I'm not alone anymore,
Here, safe I am, but you still are,
Dicing with destiny, fate
There are those that would relate,
Am I one? Unknown,
The only certainty is I've grown.